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Prosecuting International Crimes: Expert Meeting on the Collaboration between NPAs & NGOs

Carl Buckley, barrister and chambers director at Guernica 37, will participate in the expert meeting “Prosecuting International Crimes: Expert Meeting on the Collaboration between NPAs & NGOs”, which will take place on March 15 and 16 in Ottawa.

During two days, more than 25 experts in the fields of international criminal justice and national prosecutions will discuss methods of collaboration between national prosecuting authorities and NGOs. Establishing new collaborative channels between national authorities and civil society organisations, and reinforcing the principle of universal jurisdiction, seem more urgent than ever before.

The lack of legal action by international institutions in the Syrian context, and their impossibility to initiate independent legal proceedings and prosecutions, has led to a new wave of mechanisms and initiatives aimed at increasing cooperation among national legal experts and prosecutors, and investigators compiling evidence in the field. During the event experts will be invited to discuss new concepts, tools and ideas about key issues relating to judicial and prosecutorial cooperation, including forms of communications between NPA and CSO, management of evidence, or witnesses’ protection.

The meeting is organized by CCIJ/CCJI, the Department of Justice of Canada, Canadian Partnership for International Justice, the Human Rights Center of UC Berkeley School of Law, the Clinique de droit international pénal et humanitaire of the Université Laval and Lawyers Without Borders.


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