Following the three hearings of the independent Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) during which Guernica 37 co-Founder and lead human rights barrister Almudena Bernabeu, supported by barrister Joanna Frivet, has presented evidence on the murder of journalists Miguel Angel Lopez Velasco in Mexico, Lasantha Wickrematunge in Sri Lanka and Nabil Al-Sharbaji in Syria, on the 19th of September 2022, the Judges of the PPT will issue their decision on the liability of the relevant states and recommendations to improve the protection of journalists globally.

As highlighted by Almudena Bernabeu, the transversal components of violence against journalists in these States and beyond need to be understood and addressed to provide effective protection to journalists on the frontline exposing crimes and corruption by states worldwide.
Watch the delivery of the Judgment online or join the hearing in the Hague organised by Free Press Unlimited, the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Sans Frontières by registering on this link