Business & Human Rights

Over recent years, corporate responsibility has seen a change of focus. As a global population becomes ever more alive to general principles of individual human rights, they have also become aware of the social and environmental responsibility.
Stakeholders, having developed a common understanding, are increasingly adopting responsibility for the issues that corporations are faced with, and seek to highlight such issues and exert pressure where they can.
Corporations and business have in turn more and more begun to accept this responsibility, and rather than oppose activists and stakeholders, now seek to actively engage and address such issues in partnership. This can be best highlighted by the UN Human Rights Council’s endorsement in 2011 of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, following a long process of consultation and debate among companies, activists, governments and many others.
As a result, it is now seen as incumbent on a business to develop their own strategy to meet their obligations to society and see such issues of responsibility as a priority. The objectives of a business are inseparable from the environment and the society within which they operate. There is now acceptance that long-term development is only sustainable by seeking to address the impact that occurs.
In the area of Business and Human Rights, G37 Chambers provides bespoke advice and assistance on compliance with human rights standards and due diligence policies, advancing the UN Guiding Principles.
G37 Chambers further provides advice and assistance to organisations and States in the areas of anti-corruption initiatives, rule of law development, training, institution building, legal reform, and legislative drafting.